Supply Chain Savings

With ELEVATE, Weiss Bros. can now offer a truly customizable approach that is strategically tailored to the goals of their customers providing optimum cost-saving results. The software is an intuitive and easy-to-use three-step process that can be completed in 30 minutes or less and is readily accessible online.


The ELEVATE software is broken down into Discover, Evaluate, and Explore phases:

-     Discover: Completion of a brief questionnaire allows ELEVATE to prioritize a customer’s needs into five major categories: cost, image, productivity, health and hygiene, and sustainability.

-     Evaluate: An analysis of the customer’s supply chain and procurement operations will be conducted. ELEVATE will provide a cost savings report directly related to the company’s supply chain processes.

-     Explore: Customers can take a guided walkthrough of their facility. Based on the business needs established in phase one, a myriad of products will be recommended in each area within the facility — serving as a knowledge portal, the software will uncover hidden opportunities and products to best achieve the customer’s goals.


What Is The Software

To contend in today’s globally competitive market, organizations must be lean, efficient, and tactical in their approach to business. But many organizations struggle to accurately forecast demand, stock inventory, standardize a procurement strategy and ultimately — optimize their supply chain. These shortcomings prevent organizations from reaching their business goals.


Why Should I Use It?

There is no other supply chain analysis software like ELEVATE. Users are virtually able to peel the roof off their facility and tour its floor-plan, one room at a time, to view procurement solutions that directly align with their business priorities. The software is fast, incredibly intuitive, and completely customized to deliver the most accurate roadmap for supply chain optimization. Whether your business focus is on cost savings, sustainability or anything in between – ELEVATE will get you there.


What Can I Expect?

With help from tutorials and videos, ELEVATE will guide you at your own pace through a simple, step-by-step analysis of your facility. In 30 minutes or less, you will create a custom profile that aligns with your business segment, answer questions about your business priorities and current supply chain, and scan product opportunities. ELEVATE then converts the information you provided into a single-page summary that outlines potential cost savings. At any time during your supply chain analysis, talk to an expert in real-time or request a consultation for further assistance with supply chain optimization. ELEVATE is so fast and easy, you can get started right away!