Benefits of Going Cordless

You’re vacuuming a room and suddenly, you hear a loud crash. You look back and realize your vacuum cord has tangled around a table leg and knocked over a picture. Now you have to go back, unplug the cord, and move it to another outlet. Not to mention the new mess you now have to clean up. It seems like you have to keep unplugging the cord every 5 minutes to move it to another outlet because you ran out of length. You feel like you have to keep moving the cord out of the way of the vacuum so it doesn’t get caught in the wheel or the roller. The vacuum cord keeps tripping you, tangling you, and just downright frustrating you. The list goes on and on about hassles that a vacuum cord can cause.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: Going cordless. Cordless vacuums can help you clean a facility more efficiently than ever before. Without the limits of a cord, you’re free to move wherever you need to get your facility as clean as possible. You never need to stop to unplug or worry about a cord becoming tangled around objects or tripping you up. Cordless vacuums make cleaning your facility simple, easy and fast. Switching to a cordless vacuum enables you to clean up to 5X faster (based on ISSA’s 612 Cleaning Times & Tasks 2014) so that employees don’t have to spend as much time vacuuming and can focus on other tasks. If you’d like to experience the benefits of going cordless for yourself, check out the Hoover Hushtone Cordless Upright Vacuum.


If you’d like to take your cleaning game one step further, going with a cordless backpack vacuum could be for you. A cordless backpack offers you the most mobility possible, and cuts down cleaning times even further. Not to mention they make you look like a Ghostbuster. So if you ain’t afraid of no ghost, or you’d just like to get your facility cleaned faster and more efficiently, check out the Hoover 6Q Cordless Backpack Vacuum.
